22- Holiday stocking stuffer for Mr Bear Kringle

In this episode of The Grumpy Old Bears podcast show, we finish the month of December with the holiday celebrations — and Mr. Bear is among those who dressed up in his costume of a Dragon Bear for Halloween, and then as an elf and Santa Claus and the Christmas celebration.

Dragon bear


Mr. Bear Kringle on this Christmas Holiday


Mr Bear as Santa’s helper

In addition to this initial holiday for the upcoming season, Mr Bear is also looking forward to New Year’s day celebration and revelry.

And as we look forward to the fulfillment of the holiday season, we also will celebrate the incoming new year with festivities (as much as we can do so within the repressive Bo-Jiden administration fascism).

And one of the resolutions for 2023 is to welcome back on a continuous basis our co-host, Mr. Matt Cox of the BrunchwiththeBrits.net podcast show. Now although he is celebrating the Christmas Day holiday with his mother’s family and his wife, he cannot appear early this morning to wish us the best. But we will be sure to have him for the new year highlights when we can all be back together again, so that we can ALLĀ  wish you the happiest new year for the upcoming 2023 year. And that includes another year when we want to welcome back Matt to the 2030podcast.com show as co-host.

At this point, we wish to thank you all for listening and sharing with us the celebrations of the holiday season for 2022-2023, and we are honored that you have participated in any small way with us this festive season.

Thank you for your attention.

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