07- Grumpy about new taxes and even more restrictions

In this brief episode of The Grumpy Old Bears, we once again lament the absence of one of our co-hosts, Matt Cox (the podcaster for Brunch with the Brits as well as co-host for the 2030 Podcast). He is still the “invisible man” and has been incomunicado due to his excessive workload in his day-job, due to some part of the economic recovery for the travel and lodging industry.

Hope to see you soon again with us, Matt…

In this brief episode, we discuss main themes of upcoming tax increases in the Bo-Jiden administration and the threat of future increased mandates and lockdowns in the area where Mr. Bear is located.

Upcoming increase in taxes

Looming on the horizon are incredible increases in taxes that loom as a threat by the radical left in the Congress and Bo-Jiden to address the trillions of dollars of this year’s legislation where incompetent and irresponsible spending has occurred. Add to that, for California taxpayers, the incompetent and radical left governor, Gruesome Newsom, is also contemplating raising taxes, since that is all he can do at this time (now that the recall vote failed to get him out by the past recall). He will also try to get more legislation and executive orders to push the agenda of the radical left to deliver more restrictions, along with the taxes, so that he can dummy-down the population.

Well, Mr. Bear is in California, and he is trying to resist the movement of paying even higher taxes on both the federal and state level — remember that California has one of the highest income taxes for its people in all 50 jurisdictions. Add to that, the taxes for some gasoline are now going through the roof, as well.

In fact, on the Bill O’Reilly show, the calculations added up to a possible 39 per cent of your income in California will be taxed and taken. How do you live on that? Mr. Bear says that this is an atrocity to the taxpayers.

More restrictions in California

Now that Gruesome-Newsom will have until 2022 to be in office (since the recall has failed to remove him), we foresee even more mandates, lockdowns, and other restrictions will grow — even to the point of martial law.

One of the restrictions that this idiot of a governor has been trying to push through is the removal of all gasoline-powered vehicles by the year 2035. Well, even this idiot cannot make this occurrence happen just because he beats his gums to this tune. As we have heard in some of the podcast episodes, the consensus from economists is that this type of restriction will probably be pushed back to 2040 in some states as a deadline (and even later, this may once again get pushed back to 2050, etc.). So for the immediate future, our investment in automobiles which we have purchased may remain untouched by the idiotic idea of electric cars that will immobilize us (because the recharging will take hours) and our electric bills will go through the roof (because of the cost to recharge the flaky auto batteries that are explosive for fires and difficult to put out when they do burn). So for now, driving to another city or state is still a viable option, other than the high gasoline prices that are due to the Bo-Jiden and Gruesome-Newsom administrations.

In addition to these, the mandates that stemmed from the sham-demic or planned-demic or scam-demic (call this what you will), the mandate for wearing a mask, as well as being restricted will continue — in the form of the issuance and restrictions of the already announced “passport” for areas in California (i.e., Los Angeles County). And this means that people will become even more restricted.

Now, in addition to being discriminated against if you don’t have the passport and not allowed to enter or attend certain venues or locations or businesses, the threat of “big brother” looking at you and following you will be coming. Yes, even Mr. Bear hears the rotors of increasing numbers of helicopters flying above. And this can only mean that they will soon be enforcing martial law and curfews upon the populace — which is a giant step backwards. And if they cannot blame it on the virus crisis, then they will blame it on the upcoming legislation that will deal with mandates for climate change. So, enjoy your freedom to roam at will for now, because Guresome-Newsom and Bo-Jiden will come to take it away. If not, then look forward to being relocated to one of those FEMA camps or detention centers, where the government can really control you and manipulate you.

Thus, here we go again for the detention of citizens and forced relocation, just like the situation in 1942 with those of Japanese descent during WWII — in addition to discrimination, the relocation is coming. This is taking a page out of our history books from the Nazi suppressions of the 1930s and 1940s, as well as the making of the dystopian future come true from the book by George Orwell, 1984. Question for us now is: “do we have to yell in unison ‘Long live Big Brother’?”

As you can see, the fearmongering by the democrats and the lame-stream media and the social media monopolies and elites is now worrying Mr. Bear. What was once the best country in the world is now being threatened by the radical left as they try to take away our freedoms little by little with their “mandates.”

So Mr. Bear does hope that you can prevent the radical left from making you into government fodder for the elite and rich and the politicians, and that these mandates can be reversed, and that freedoms can once again live in our hearts and minds, as well as in our lives.

So with these ominous clouds surrounding us today, we await the return of our co-host, Matt, who is “missing-in-action” to our next (or future) episode of this podcast.

Thank you for your attention.

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