08- Grumpy because America is being held hostage

In this episode of Grumpy Old Bears, we go into current events and politics for a while. Now, Mr. Bear is very upset, because our other co-host, Matt Cox (who also identifies as a grumpy old bear) is not here — he is absent due to a family illness, and we hope that perhaps he can join us in the next episode. We shall see.

But here, we discuss the fact that the radical left may be imploding — for the BLM movement has promised “uprisings” similar to the George Floyd set of looting and burning and violence because the New York City vaccine mandates are now being called “racist” by these Marxists. How stupid is that?

And so, what this could be is the beginnings of the signs of implosion — for the democrats can no longer embrace both the “vaccine” mandates [editor’s note: we cannot call these jabs “vaccines” for they don’t meet the traditional definition of a real medical vaccine] by the democrat governors and mayors and Bo-Jiden, along with the “racist” implications.  And why is this so? Well, on several podcast shows that do not spin the news with misinformation (i.e., No Agenda and Grumpy Old Bens and Up is Down podcast shows), we find out that nearly 70 per cent of the black population in the USA is not “vaccinated” with jabs. And now, they want to promote the “racist” card for any mandate that will try to force these jabs on the Black population (while the democrats talk from both sides of their corrupt mouths).

Thus, we shall see how much the implosion will occur. And if it does occur, this could be a sign that the radical left may be having their own internal disputes with the narrative and thus cause dilemmas and problems for both the lame-stream media and for the population. And for the trend to 2030, this could be an indication that problems from the radical left vs. the moderate left will be growing.


Now, we also talk about the theme that follows the slogan “America held hostage” — as this was true by the Nazi Democrats and the Biden mandates, as well as the other Nazi mandates by the other Nazi Democrat governors in the USA at this time (and it can be a danger growing). This term was used earlier on the radio show by conservative Rush Limbaugh during the era of the Clinton administration and their socialist policies, as he was waiting for the Republicans to regain control of the nation’s agenda.

And today, America is in fact being held hostage by the virus crisis mandates, as well as the mandates to be coming for the climate change legislation, and furthermore, by the lock-downs and upcoming martial law and forced vaccinations by the administration (thus, violating the rights of people to choose or not to choose the jabs).

Funny how the administration cheers the females on the “my body, my choice” slogan when it comes to abortion — but that they will cancel you and not allow you to choose the jab or not on your own body.

These mandates may even be trying to restrict or prohibit interstate travel — as this problem is growing in states like California and Washington, where the people are leaving in droves and moving to Idaho and Texas, and other states where freedoms still exist. And could this trend of leaving the democrat states be growing among the freedom-loving peoples (for Republican and Democrat and Independent citizens) be cause for alarm for the democrats?

Another way that the democrats can try to hold America hostage is by raising the taxes on citizens and their savings. Perhaps that is why the rumors are beginning to show that the Bo-Jiden administration is considering raising taxes to the point of taking more away from your 401(k) and IRA — so that they can try to fund the 3.x trillion dollar bills that are irresponsible spending for anyone. If that happens, then what is there to curtail the typical democrat tendencies that were created in a slogan that made the democrats sound like parrots when they yelled “raise taxes and spend, spend, spend.”

So, we hope that this implosion could slow down the radical left from overtaking all the people and inhabitants who want to live their lives and enjoy traditional freedoms, instead of being driven to the tyrannical state of communism, Marxism and fascism.

Thank you for your attention.

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