04- Labor Day in the USA for the grumps amidst situational conflict

In this brief episode of Grumpy Old Bears, again we are flying the “missing man” formation, as we note that one of our co-hosts, Matt Cox, will not be able to join us in person because of his demanding overtime work schedule in his day-job. So in this episode, we take a look at the lighter side of the Labor Day 2021 holiday weekend, as well as a later serious side of current events and some negative impacts. We say that because of the negative results that have occurred by the lame-stream media.

For this episode, we thank our co-hosts for contributing to the discussion on a more serious side of present activities. Also, we want to give some congratulations and gratitude to michaelandmike.com, the musicians, composers and authors of soft jazz music — for we do have their work included in the outro and intro of this podcast series, as we definitely have a license to use it freely in our podcasts (since 2006).  And we also are grateful to Darren O’Neill and Ryan Bemrose for their support of our show of 2030Podcast.com. And finally, we thank Adam Curry and John C Dvorak for their truthful deconstruction of activities in the world today. And we also look to the near future for the return of Bemrose in a new podcast show, as well as some commentary about the new podcast show from Darren O’Neill and Larry Bleidner, called Planet Rage. It seems the latter will be replacing the older Grumpy Old Bens podcast show.


First, we have a “boots on the ground” report from the recent Labor Day weekend 2021. As you can see, Mr. Bear enjoyed the holiday weekend by lounging at the swimming pool and going to the beach (yes, Santa Monica cool breezes gave a relaxing whirl in the midst of the Lame-Stream media madness).

As you can see, Mr. Ted E. Bear is relaxing at the beach “sunset house” after playing a vigorous round of beach-ball volleyball with the guys. After all, he wanted to win so bad that he later pouted because he did NOT win. Well, that is why he is always a grumpy old bear.

Also, he is looking forward to voting in the next week at the recall election to oust California incumbent governor Gruesome-Newsom.


Next, we go into some of the deconstruction of events that are occurring today.

One theme is that of getting rid of bad actor politicians — especially the ones in the works:

  • the recall of hypocrites that are politicians, like “Gruesome Newsom” in California (just like the older recall of Gray Davis and the subsequent election of The Terminator as governor);
  • Why Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders (who are not politicians from California) should be on ads talking the people and telling them to vote “NO” on the California recall vote for Gruesome Newsom, aka her “republican recall” — by the way, she was all for the impeachment of the 45th president of the US twice (now, how does that work? you can recall or remove the politician you DON’T like, but “don’t touch my own party’s recall” in spite of his hypocrisy?)
  • Let me confirm for you that Mr. Bear is going to vote to recall Gruesome Newsom and ask for a replacement (and who that is, Mr. Bear is not saying, for he wants to keep his vote a secret ballot — yes, he will go in person to the polling location to cast his vote).
  • As for Cuomo, his removal was done to avoid him being prosecuted for criminal actions — but we hope that the civil lawsuits will also tarnish his name and actions.

Another theme is that of the debacle in Afghanistan:

  • As a Vietnam war combat veteran, I, Fred, am totally disenheartened at the debacle from the escape from Afghanistan that could have been avoided, due to the prior Trump policy with the Taliban — and now, the Saigon debacle is reliving itself, while the jerk Bo-Jiden tries to put the blame on everyone except himself and his decision against the advice of his advisors, and his administration;
  • Amazing how the Bo-Jiden administration has failed yet again. This senile and demented idiot should not be given any responsibility — put him away in his basement, don’t let him come out, and give him toy soldiers with which to play and have his maidservant call him “commander-in-chef.”
  • The lives of 13 soldiers of the US Armed Forces were put at risk and they were killed unnecessarily — the blood is on Bo-Jiden’s hand (and he says he is not responsible and “no big deal.”). What a lie and what narcissism from Biden for not admitting the debacle and not taking responsibility for a failure. What has he got to say? Only that this debacle was a “success” — which it was not; and so is he that demented that he thinks that the population will swallow his bunch of malarky?

Now, the only comment we get from Mr. Bear is that he is glad he is not in Afghanistan, because he understands that they torture and behead teddy bears over there — and he would have no rights, since the Taliban took over.

On the serious side, he was saddened by the news that a pregnant woman was killed by the Taliban, as well as oppression of female protesters.

Well, for Bo-Jiden, he still wants people to think his evacuation was the only option, but look what he has done in his betrayal to other peoples of the world.

As we stated, Mr. Bear will choose to remain in the USA and look forward to ousting the democrats from office and return to the “old normal.”

Lastly, the theme of “No New Normal” was discussed on the NoAgendaStream by various podcasts. This is the cry from the people who do NOT want to go to the New Normal set up by the democrats, by Soros, by Bill Gates and by the leader of the World Health Organization — this new normal mentality is approaching the state of existence that was depicted in George Orwell’s book of 1984, along with the 1950s motion picture of the same name with Edmond O’Brien.

As far as Mr. Bear’s attitude goes, he also is chanting support for the demand of “NO NEW NORMAL.”

Well, we hope that you can appreciate the value of both relaxing on holidays as well as taking a serious look at the current situations today — and especially how they may be adding up to our near future. For more details on trends to the year 2030, we recommend that you listen to and consume The 2030 Podcast show.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2021, Matrix Solutions Corporation and Matt Cox and Mr Bear and michaelandmike.com. All rights reserved.